I am moving

As you can see, I have not posted here in a long while. That is because most f my attention has been taken up with the business website and doing all that fun. I have however, decided to move some of my blog over there, including my writing, recipes, and some more fun stuff depending... Continue Reading →

Daily thought February 17th 2018

Hello everyone, I hope your days have been restful with no flares. I can't say the same but it's to be expected when you are doing a lot more than usual. I definitely hit my wall this week, I got a cold on top of being exhausted from doing all the things whilst the D... Continue Reading →

Hearty Shepherds Pie

This is one of my favorite foods in the world. It is very much a staple in Australia, a cheap healthy meal that can be made in large amounts and easily stretched with salad and bread on the side. I make a couple of different kinds of shepherds pie, a very "traditional Australian" version, a... Continue Reading →

Burn the Spoons!

It has been a busy week or so for me, and I have been going between getting setup for winter and christmas and being utterly exhausted from doing that. Lots of stacking wood and decluttering the house. Things that have needed to be done for a while, but I honestly haven't had the energy or... Continue Reading →

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